Daily Archives: October 2, 2006

Oui, Paris!

The rest of our time in Paris was fairly whirlwind in nature.    Our first day we went in search of our friendly neighborhood hop-on, hop-off bus tour company and encountered L’Open Tour.  Two days, four seperate lines?  Awww yeah!  It was a little chilly but we piled onto the open top deck, shuffled around until we found English commentary that worked and toured the city.

I don’t recall actually entering any buildings that first day; I think we just knocked out two of the four lines: Montmartre – Grand Boulevards & the Paris Grand Tour.  It really is a beautiful city. We mostly gaped at scenery from the bus:   Invalides_3 Cleopatra_fr_2

I’m not even going to pretend I can keep the days in Paris straight.  We should’ve skipped the fourth line on the bus tour – I think Holly and I each fell asleep on it at different times during the tour.  Over the course of the trip we hit four museums: Rodin, d’Orsay, L’Orangerie and the Louvre.  Oddly, I think the first was my favorite.  I mean, you can’t overstate the overall majesty of the Louvre and the impact of the Water Lilies at L’Orangerie  is striking, but I literally lost my breath when I came around the corner at the Musée Rodin and encountered The Kiss.

Kiss_1Tom heartily scoffed at me when I told him we hit three museums in Victoryone day, including the Louvre.   I have to admit, judging by how badly my feet hurt by the end of the day and the fact that my brain couldn’t absorb one more priceless work of art, that he may be on to something.   Maybe once he has his place on the left bank I’ll head back and try again.

While we didn’t make it to the viewing gallery at Notre Dame (line too long), we did make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower.   We got in line for our tickets late in the afternoon, which turned out to be PERFECT.  By the time we got through the line and began our ascent, it was dusk and the views were amazing.  By the time we completed our descent, it was pitch black out and the city was at its twinkly best.

Sacre_1 Eiffel_view_1 Eiffel3_1