Daily Archives: June 14, 2013


I’m supposed to partake in a fitness walk tomorrow morning.  I let myself get swept up in my cousin’s enthusiasm and signed up a couple of weeks ago.  It’s strictly a walk – no chance of running for me – and begins at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately, that’s all the information I have.  The website is, for lack of a better word, abysmal.  It provides the date, but that’s it – no start time, no location.  After digging around a little bit on a few different sites, I’ve managed to get some ballpark facts, but I’m still flying a little blind.  I don’t mind donating to the cause but there are certain critical bits of information that should be front and center, especially if I’m crawling out of bed at 7:00 a.m. to go participate.

Not sure that my body is up for the roughly three miles of pavement pounding but I’m going to go try.